Ambassador Moin ul Haque delivers speech at Third Belt and Road Energy Partnership Forum - Press Releases - Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Beijing

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Ambassador Moin ul Haque delivers speech at Third Belt and Road Energy Partnership Forum

May 24,2023

Pakistan’s Ambassador to China, Mr. Moin ul Haque, attended the opening ceremony of Third Belt and Road Energy Partnership (BREP) Forum, held in Xiamen, the coastal city of Fujian province, on 24thMay. The forum has been organised by National Energy Administration (NEA) of China under the theme ‘stepping towards high-quality energy development’.


Addressing the forum, Ambassador Haque remarked that energy was a key driver to economic growth & industrial development and, therefore, cooperation in energy formed an important component of President Xi’s historic Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its flagship project - China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). 


Ambassador Haque said that since the launch of BRI and CPEC a decade ago, several energy projects had been completed in Pakistan which not only helped Pakistan resolve the issue of power shortages and ensuring energy security, but also laid a strong foundation for industrial growth, development of Special Economic Zones while creating thousands of local jobs. He thanked Chinese government institutions, companies and workers for their strong support and commitment to ensure smooth development of these key projects.


He stated that as All-weather strategic cooperative partners and iron brothers, Pakistan and China were working closely to strengthen bilateral cooperation to achieve energy security and green transformation. The two countries were also strongly advocating global south’s access to climate financing, transfer of green technologies and helping adaptation to challenges of climate change.  


Highlighting the focus of Pakistan government to increase the share of renewable energy in the national energy mix and Prime Minister’s target of achieving 10,000 MW solar power, the Ambassador invited Chinese companies to invest in the solar power generation projects for which the government had also announced special policy and incentives. 


Mr. Ren Jingdong, Vice Administrator of NEA of China and Energy Ministers from many BREP partner countries also delivered speeches at the opening ceremony.

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