Pakistan Remittance Survey -2023 - Press Releases - Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Beijing

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Pakistan Remittance Survey -2023

January 09,2023


Pakistan Remittance Survey -2023

1. State Bank of Pakistan has launched a Remittance Survey on January 2, 2023 in order to understand the dynamics of the flow of remittance to Pakistan. A similar exercise was conducted in the aftermath of Covid-19 in January 2021, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistan Embassies abroad, and other stakeholders.
2. This annual survey helps the State Bank of Pakistan to understand the role of recent factors in remittance flows, such as business conditions and inflation in the host countries, exchange rate movements, general economic uncertainties, and Pakistan's economic conditions.
3. The the survey link (provided below)  is hereby shared with Pakistanis living in China.The web link for the Remittance Survey-2023 for onward sharing is as below: 
          SBP-Remittance Survey 2023
          Full link:(
4. Pakistani community members living studying and working in China are hereby requested to participate in the survey.



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