Message from Dr. Arif Alvi President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan On the occasion of 'Kashmir Black Day' - Press Releases - Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Beijing

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Message from Dr. Arif Alvi President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan On the occasion of 'Kashmir Black Day'

October 27,2023

27 October 1947 is one of the darkest days for the Kashmiri people. The Indian occupation of Jammu and Kashmir, which began on that day, stifled the legitimate aspirations of the Kashmiris to determine their own destiny.
Over the last seventy-six years, India has not only reneged on its obligations to the people of Jammu and Kashmir but has also shown disregard to multilateralism by backtracking on the UNSC resolutions. The people of the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (I|OJK) haveendured endless oppression during this long period. However, India has failed to blunt their resolve to realize their inalienable right to self-determination.
This day, I pay homage to the exemplary courage of the Kashmiris in their continued fight for the right to self-determination while simultaneously resisting the excesses being committed by the Indian forces. Undoubtedly, their sacrifices will not go in vain.
The unilateral and illegal actions of 5 August 2019 are in blatant violation of the UN Security Council resolutions and international law. The efforts to effect a demographic change and perpetuate the Indian occupation of the disputed territory are aimed at undermining the Kashmiri people's democratic right to decide their own future.
Today, the Kashmiri people are endwring multi-faceted curbs, with their leadership incarcerated and their voice muzzled. However, the ongoing human rights violations cannot dampen the Kashmiris' just struggle. The international community and media should highlight the plight of these defenseless people and hold India accountable for its brutalities and human rights violations in IIOJK.
Pakistan has underscored at a number of occasions that peace and stability in South Asia remain contingent upon peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant UNSC resolutions and aspirations of the Kashmiris. India must realize that it cannot suppress the freedom struggle of the Kashmiris by the use of force.
Pakistan has shown its steadfast support and solidarity with the oppressed Kashmiri brothers and sisters since the beginning of Indian Occupation in 1947. It will continue to do so until the final resolution of the dispute in line with the UNSC resolutions and as per aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

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